Full text of PCC Derek Leda's Eulogy:
Good morning. My name is Derek Ledda. I’m a member of Bert’s Lions club, the Maharlika Lions. On behalf of Julie, Mike and Mary, I welcome and thank all of you for being here this morning to celebrate Bert’s life and give a measure of comfort to Julie and her family with your prayers, love and caring words.
I think everyone knows that for Bert, the four things he loved most were his family, his faith, the special fun and fellowship he shared with his friends, old and new, and trying his best to make life a whole lot better for people who were really desperate for help. And those things that meant so much to him, he would experience with the kind of passion, dedication and boundless joy that set him apart from most people. Bert liked to do things in a big way with big goals that came with even bigger challenges that by his hard work and strength of will he was always able to overcome on his way to achieving success. I’m sure every one of you has your own fond memory of Bert that reflects how I’ve described him. His brother Manny remembers him from his days as a bigger than life high school celebrity who was the first in his class to drive, toured with his rock and roll band in Japan, was a three-sport star athlete and was admired and respected by all his peers. My fondest memories of Bert involve the Maharlika Lions medical missions we went on together to Davao in the Philippines. The missions were the projects Bert absolutely loved the most and he always played a critical role in making them successful. Even this year, when he was already ill he gave all that he had left in him to support the mission to Davao and Cebu. Bert was truly in his element doing God’s work in serving thousands of needy people always with his forever partner in love and service Julie by his side and in the company of his mission family of Maharlika and Mt. Apo Lions with whom he shared a uniquely close bond. I know that a few of the missions were all the more special to Bert because Julie and their children Mary and Mike and Mike’s family Julie, Rebecca, Christian and Alex who were the apples of their grandpa’s eye, and even Tita Vet were able to join to make it a truly Melliza family affair.
For 43 years until the end of his life, the man who loved to help people lived out his dream as a Lion in service, first as a member of the Mabuhay Lions Club and starting in 1993 as the charter president of the Maharlika Lions, who he considered his brothers and sisters in service. On any given weekend, you might see Lion Bert relishing his time spent with the visiting international youth exchange students from Japan and Europe for whom he was responsible as California’s statewide Lions youth exchange chairperson or sitting at a table with Julie helping to register runners at the My Sisters House Annual Fun Run Walk to help victims of domestic violence and human trafficking. There was never a service project he was not excited to join or a difficult project he was reluctant to lead. Leadership came naturally to Bert. He led with a sense of purpose, confidence and commitment to excellence. His fellow Lions recognized those qualities in him which is why they elected him in 1996 to the highest Lion office in our District 4-C5, the position of District Governor, which also made him the first Filipino-American to hold the title in our District and one of the first in all of California. Along the way, he was recognized for his service and leadership with numerous well deserved club, District and international awards, including “Lion of the Year” and the prestigious Melvin Jones Fellowship which he received 6 times. In 2010, the Philippine National Day Association conferred on Bert the title of “Lakandiwa” which refers to the noble essence of a leader whose outstanding positive example and contributions to the community are to be honored and emulated. That title suited Bert well.
I’m guessing though that when all of you think about Bert, what you’ll most remember are the fun times you had with him. Bert was at his best sharing a smile and a good laugh, socializing over a game of poker, a round of golf, Maharlika’s caroling practices and of course eating and then eating some more. And did I mention eating? Bert loved to eat. I think Julie learned pretty quickly that one key to Bert’s heart was through his stomach which is maybe why Julie is such a great cook. In the last several months of Bert’s life, while he was also going through his cancer treatments, he, Julie and I along with other friends and family had the very great pleasure of eating with Bert at some of the top restaurants around Sacramento, Teppanyaki at Tokyo Steak House, spicy seafood at Asian Cajun, Gen Korean BBQ, Seasons 52, Kru for upscale Japanese cuisine, a Brazilian steakhouse called Fogo de Minas and a bunch of others. But about a week before he passed on, I asked Bert what food he wanted me to bring him and he was back to basics asking for the fried pork belly and Filipino beef stew from a little Mom and Pop carry out in Natomas called Fil-Am. That was Bert. He enjoyed an adventure but loved the basics, his family, his faith, the company of good friends and a chance to help others. After hearing about Bert’s passing, Perry Diaz reflected on his 45 year long friendship with Bert and how their lives and the lives of their families had intertwined. He was reminded of an old adage that “the loss of a friend is like that of a limb. Time may heal the anguish of the wound but the loss cannot be repaired.” Bert was a part of all of us and we will all miss him. Please pray for him, Julie and their family and continue to keep Bert alive in your fondest memories of him.
God bless you and keep you safe.
Remembering PDG Norberto "Bert" Melliza...
District Governor Bert Melliza was born in Pasay City, Philippines on July 8, 1943. At the age of eight his family moved to Yokohama, Japan, to be closer to his father, who was stationed with the U.S. Navy 7th Fleet. In 1962, Lion Bert returned to the Philippines for his college education at the University of the East in Manila.
Lion Bert came to California and joined the U.S. Air Force in San Francisco. There he met Julie and they got married in 1967. They have two children, Michael and Mary. Michael was the Charter President of the Mabuhay Leo Club, subsequently joining his father in the Maharlika Lions Club.
After the military, Lion Bert became Senior Superintendent in the division of Facilities and Community Services at the UCD Medical Center where Julie also pursued a career as a medical technician and member of the faculty in the department of Clinical Chemistry. Bert was instrumental in organizing a Pacific Rim Islander employee association and served as member of the hospital diversity advisory group. Both Bert and Julie retired in November 1993.
Lion Bert joined the Mabuhay Lions Club in 1979. He held the position of President two times and held all offices as a member ofMabuhay Lions. In 1993, Lion Bert became Charter President of the Maharlika Lions Club. He has 17 years of perfect attendance and was a 100% president. He served the District as Zone Chairman, Deputy District Governor, Vice District Governor, and chairman of several District Committees. Lion Bert is a Melvin Jones Fellow, NCLSA Gordon Daniels Fellow and a three time Club Lion of the Year.
Club Involvement
1979 joined Mabuhay Lions Club in November 1979
1980 3rd Vice President
Co-chaired the First Mabuhay Night in March 1980 at the Cordova Community Center
Attended District Convention in May 1980 at Konocti Harbor Inn
1981 Director
Attended District Convention in Santa Rosa
1982 First Vice President
Acting President
Chairman of the Mabuhay Night at Machinist Hall in March
1983 President Mabuhay Lions Club
1994-95 Secretary
1985-86 2nd Vice President
1986-87 Treasurer
1988-89 Guiding Lion for Cordova Lions Club
1989-90 Tailtwister, Mabuhay Lions Club
Chairman, 50’s-60’s
Chairman, Mabuhay Night Program
1990-91 Secretary
Co-chairman, Mabuhay Night Entertainment Committee
1992-93 Charter President Maharlika Lions???
1983 District Vice Chairman for the Youth Exchange Program
1985-86 Deputy District Governor for the Sacramento Region
Chairman, District Scrapbook
1986-87 Chairman, District Hypertension
1987-88 Chairman, District CPR
Chairman, PDG Steak Night
1988-89 Chairman, District Blood Bank
Camelia Zone
1984-85 Chairman, Camellia Zone
1990-91 Chairman, Camellia Zone Membership Task Zone
1984 Lion of the Year, Mabuhay Lions Club
1986 Lion of the Year, Mabuhay Lions Club
1990 Lion of the Year
1992 Melvin Jones Fellow
1993 Gordon Daniels Award
Resolutions form Lions International and District 4C-5 for helping chartering of the Stockton Fil-Am Lions Club in 1985
100 % Attendance
Lions International Convention in San Francisco
Attended Multiple District (MD 4) Covention in:
- Sacramento
- Newport Beach
- San Diego
Attended all District 4C-5 Convention since 1980 (12 to date)
1982 2 Youth Exchange Students from Belgium & Japan (Shoji & Jean Claude Claeys)
1983 1 Youth Exchange student from Belgium (Eric van Meingoreet)
Hosted continues..
1984 1 Youth Exchange student from Belgium (Elizabeth Cardin)
1985 1 Youth Exchange student from Belgium (Regina Claeys)
Hosted and housed 6 students of the Iowa Marching on their way to Lions International Convention.
Family Involvement Lionism
The Melliza Family has been very supportive and active in Lionism.
- Julie is a recipient of 3 Mabuhay Lions Lady Awards
- Julie was elected by the ladies of District 4C-5 Cabinet to be the presenter for the Appreciation of the 1st Lady Sharon Stewart Convention.
Michael Melliza, son of Bert and Julie, was the Charter President of Mabuhay Leo Club, during his term as President, Mabuhay Leo Club was the "Leo Club of the Year".
Meet the Pride of Sacramento Maharlika Lions Club

Sarah Enloe
District Governor 2019-2020
“Hand-in-Hand We Can Do More”
Lion Sarah Enloe was born in Makato, Aklan, Philippines and currently resides in Elk Grove, CA with Lion Carle, her husband. She has two sons: Andre, married to Kathleen and Anthony, married to Kerry. She has one granddaughter, Emma Lilian and two grandsons, Ethan George, Liam Mason and one on the way. In 2014, after 30 years of service, she retired from the University of California San Francisco as an Accounting Specialist.
Since joining the Maharlika Lions Club in 2008, she has served as Club Record and Corresponding Secretary; Treasurer; and on the Board of Directors, including 3rd, 2nd, 1st Vice President (VP) and President. She has received the 100% Club President and Secretary Awards. She was the co-recipient of the Club Lion of the Year; District 4-C5 Tom and Anna Mae Galligan Youth Award; District 4-C5 Sacramento Region Lion of the Year; Lions Education Foundation (LEF) Gordon Daniels Founder Award; and Student Speaker Foundation Dwight E. Stanford Fellow; and is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.